Explorando el Tarot desde la Academia

En Tatot Académico, fusionamos la investigación y el análisis del tarot con un enfoque académico, ofreciendo una comprensión profunda y fundamentada de esta práctica ancestral.

A tarot card is placed on a dark surface. The card features a central image of a goat skull with large horns and a background of geometric patterns. Two circular symbols appear at the bottom. Next to the card, a slender branch with small buds and a stone with a hole are arranged artistically.
A tarot card is placed on a dark surface. The card features a central image of a goat skull with large horns and a background of geometric patterns. Two circular symbols appear at the bottom. Next to the card, a slender branch with small buds and a stone with a hole are arranged artistically.
Un enfoque académico y revelador.



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